Horse Dental Exam in Maple Plain MN


Dental maintenance is an important part of a horse’s preventive care program with your horse exam in Maple Plain MN.  Most horses require a dental float on an annual basis, although some require more frequent adjustments.  Power float dentistry and floating by hand are available.  The method of floating utilized is determined by the horse’s dentition and comfort.  All horses being floated have an oral exam conducted.  Wolf teeth removal is also available.



Routine dental care for horses, combined with improved options for pelleted diets and access to regular veterinary care, has improved the general health and longevity of the horse.  Our horses are now living longer, healthier lives thanks to improved dental comfort and wear.


Routine dental care means that our horses suffer from less oral ulcerations, dental imbalances, dental pain, and tooth loss than in previous times.  It also means that we are more aware of their dietary needs and can more appropriately provide them with forages and grain sources that they can safely consume.  An improved diet can lead to fewer episodes of colic, fewer episodes of choke, and improved absorption of digestible calories.  This is part of why we now see that a horse does not have to become thin just because it is getting older!  Happily, many older horses can now maintain a healthy body condition with appropriate dental and dietary care.


What qualifies as “routine” dental care may vary from horse to horse.  The average timing for a routine dental examination is annual.  However, there are some horses that require more frequent exams due to their dental conformation, imbalances, or current health challenges.  The more regularly horses stay on their preventive maintenance dental schedule, the less often they should require extensive dental procedures. 


Despite our best efforts, dental problems may arise from time to time.  Signs that your horse may have a dental problem include discomfort in chewing; discomfort in wearing a bit or being ridden; inability to chew properly; ulcerations in the mouth; nasal discharge or odor; and swelling along the jaw lines.