Equine Vet in Carver County

Dr. Anna Renier has been providing exceptional veterinary care to horses for over 10 years.  As your equine vet in Carver County, Dr. Renier aims to help horses lead happy, healthy lives.  She is proud to be the veterinarian you trust to provide your horse with advanced care.


Renier Equine Veterinary Services offers a wide variety of treatments and procedures ranging from preventive care and dentistry to infectious disease testing, digital radiography, spinal manipulative therapy, ultrasound, and endoscopy.  Our dedication to your equine companion starts with individualized care.  Your horse is unique, and its health care needs to be tailored to its needs.


If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment with this equine veterinarian in Carver County, please call Dr. Renier at 612-750-8245.  You may also fill out the “Contact Us” form on the Renier Equine website (www.renierequine.com) and Dr. Renier will get in touch with you promptly.